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Blue Park Award for Isla del Cocos Marine Conservation

Costa Rica
Isla del Coco National Park (PNIC) was awarded the Platinum Blue Park International Award by the Marine Conservation Institue, today.

The award recognizes the the park for the protection of the ocean and the commitment to biodiversity conservation and the continued efforts to manage the protected marine status of the area.
Sarah Hameed, a scientist at the Marine Conservation Institue said in an official statement, "Blue parks suchas Isal del Coco national park are the antidotes against threats to life in our oceans"
"We may not be able to stop the impacts of climate change immediately, but today we can create strong protected areas in thr right places that will allow ecosystems to build or maintain resilience for the future."
An international scientific committee made the designation of the award based on an evaluation report and feedback from experts.
Only 16 marine protected areas in the world have received this recognition.
Congratulations to all those who continue to work to preserve this marine jewel.