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World Surf League returns to Costa Rica

Costa Rica

World Surf League (WSL) North America is pleased to announce the return of the Essential Costa Rica Surf Pro Men's and Women's Qualifying Series (QS) 1,500-level event to be held at one of Central America's prime surf cities of Jaco, October 4 - 7.

It's been two years since the WSL was on Costa Rican shores and, with the help of Manrique Mata, Warren Baez, and the Costa Rican Tourism Institute (ICT). This event provides North America QS Stop No. 11 for the men and Stop No. 6 for the women, giving competitors a shot at more points toward the international rankings -- as well as the coveted North America Regional QS Title. Mata, Event Producer, and his team have been working tirelessly to bring pro surfing back to one of the world's surf-rich countries once more. The opportunities on hand go beyond points and, with the support of the tourism board, this event being brought back to life means everything to all involved.

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