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Apr 8th-2019 Board of Directors Extraordinary Meeting


Minutes of the extraordinary meeting of the board #69, held in the Office of the Asada, at 04:06 p.m.08, April, 2019

ARTICLE 1°: The session is logged in presence of the following members:

 President: Lourdes Valverde

Vice President: Lindsay Cantillo

Secretary: Ivannia Alfaro

Treasurer: William Friesen

Vocal: Rocío Villalobos

Vocal: Ahmed Berdugo

ARTICULE 2°: The changes to the statutes to propose at the extraordinary assembly on Saturday 13 April were discussed, the changes to be proposed are the following:

  1. Article 2: change the direction of the Asada to the current one, 500 meters east of 200 meters south of the Bar la Perla.
  2. Artícle 12: The assembly will meet regularly once, in the second half of January to hear the reports and duties of the chairman and treasurer of the board. It will also be proposed to add to the article the hiring of an attorney to take note in the general assembly, make the record included in the minutes book and protocolize it. It will be added that the secretary and incoming president will be responsible for signing the record of the new board of directors
  3. Artícle 15: The proposal to expel a member of the board of directors will be submitted after 3 unpronounced absences.
  4. Artícle 16: The Board of Directors shall meet on an ordinary basis on the third Wednesday of each month and extraordinarily when deemed necessary.

ARTICLE 3°: It was agreed to put a sticker on those associated with the straw number for the vote at Saturday's extraordinary general assembly. (To identify eligible voters)

ARTICLE 4°: It was agreed that the vote at Saturday's extraordinary assembly will be held through voting packages

ARTICLE 5°: It was agreed to hire Kenia as a public notary for Saturday's assembly.

ARTICLE 6°: Lourdes read out a letter that she will present from the board of directors to the community in Saturday's Extraordinary Assembly, explaining the recent situations that occurred in the ASADA.

ARTICLE 7°: It was agreed to give on paper the points to be changed in the bylaws, in Spanish and English.

ARTICLE 8°: Associates who are legal representatives of Corporations will be sold Cedula Juridicas for those who request it on the day of the assembly, they will be purchased from the Card of the Asada of the National Bank, what is collected will be deposited in the same income account of the National Bank.

ARTICLE 9°: Associate applications were reviewed and signed

ARTICLE 10°: Lourdes explained MINAE's Water Management project to install piezometers in the Asada wells to monitor their behavior.It will be decided at the next meeting

ARTICLE 11°: Session is adjourned at 05:35 p.m