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Flamingo Marina begins site preparation


Max Arata representing the Marina Flamingo Development Group announced the beginning of prep work for the new Marina.

Mr Arata released the following update:

Dear Flamingo Association & Friends of Marina Flamingo:

The Marina Flamingo Development Group are pleased to announce that the Marina Flamingo is making excellent progress. Construction plans are being developed and will be submitted in the next 60 days with significant enhancements that will make the Marina Flamingo successful and sustainable for generations to come.

As a part of this development process, we will be starting with the site preparation. These tasks will be completed over the next couple of weeks and, as planned, there will be no site activity until the start of construction that we anticipate to be around the summer or fall of 2019.

Evidently the project is proceeding as planned and the long awaited final construction plans will be available in mid December, just before government offices close down for the holidays. Those plans will need to be approved before anything can start, so fall of 2019 is a realistic time frame.

The entire project is estimated to take 4-5 years to complete, so this will be an ongoing project that many residents are looking forward to seeing completed.