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List of Global CCP Members Released


In the ongoing upside down world we find ourselves in, news of a list of Chinese Communist Party supporters from around the world has been released. The list includes names of executives, professors and journalists.

According to Sharri Markson of SkyNews, a major leak containing a registry list with the details of nearly two million CCP members has occurred – reportedly exposing members who are now working all over the world, while also lifting the lid on how the party operates under Xi Jinping,.

Ms Markson said the leak is a register with the details of Communist Party members, including their names, party position, birthday, national ID number and ethnicity.

Ms Markson said the data was extracted from a Shanghai server by Chinese dissidents, whistleblowers, in April 2016, who have been using it for counter-intelligence purposes. The leaked data was later provided to several news outlets.

An investigation by The Australian, one of the news outlets that first received the list, found that at least 10 consulates in Shanghai have CCP members employed as senior political and government affairs specialists, clerks, economic advisers and executive assistants.

Foreign affairs experts warn the employment of CCP members in the consulates, some for up to 16 years, could be part of a “state-sponsored spy ring,” while intelligence officers labelled it a breach of protocol and a risk to national security, The Australian reports.

The Australian also reports the leaked CCP database reveals communist members working in global companies such as Boeing — which has billions of dollars in ­defense contracts — inside Pfizer and AstraZeneca, pharmaceutical companies which are developing coronavirus vaccines, and at Western universities.

This release comes at a time when several US politicians have been suspected of being compromised by suspected CCP agents.

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